Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Chinese Wedding Tea Ceremony Part I

The tea ceremony is the most significant event in a modern Chinese Wedding as the traditional three prayers ceremony is usually not practiced.
The bride is formally introduced to the groom's family through the Chinese wedding tea ceremony. It will usually take place on the wedding day when most of the family members are present.
If some members are not available, supplementary sessions can be conducted at the wedding dinner or at other convenient times and locations.

When will you serve tea?

The tea ceremony for the groom's side is usually in the morning once the couple has settled down a bit in the bridal home.
Traditionally teochew bride is fetched to the groom's home before daylight. If it is really too early and the groom's relatives have not arrived for the tea ceremony, the couple can have a short rest or an outdoor photo-session while waiting.
Tea ceremony for the relatives on the bride's side is usually held in the afternoon when the couple complete the "bride's home visit."
In some family, the bride (and some will choose to do so together with the groom) may serve her parents tea in the morning before she is married. When she returns for the bride's home visit, she is already a married woman.

Order of service, grandparents or parents first?

The order of service is usually:

  • parents,
  • grandparents,
  • grand-uncles and grand-aunties,
  • uncles and aunties,
  • elder brothers and sisters,
  • elder cousins

However, there are also families that prefer to serve the grandparents tea before the parents.

Within each generation, dad's relatives are served before mom's relatives.

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